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添加2,131字节 、 2021年6月13日 (日) 06:24
建立内容为“使用左右两个指针,按一定规则向右移动。注意 window 的大小并不一定是固定的。 == 使用 pattern == 在需要找一个区间的问…”的新页面
使用左右两个指针,按一定规则向右移动。注意 window 的大小并不一定是固定的。

== 使用 pattern ==

<ref>[http://www.noteanddata.com/leetcode-3-Longest-Substring-Without-Repeating-Characters-java-sliding-windows-solution-note.html#sliding-windows滑动窗口的特征和基本模版 sliding windows 滑动窗口的特征和基本模版]</ref> <ref>https://blog.csdn.net/fuxuemingzhu/article/details/82931106</ref>

<syntaxhighlight lang=python>
left = 0
ret = worse case retval
for right in range(n):
update state
while state is valid:
sol = f(left, right)
if sol is better than ret:
ret = sol
left += 1
update state
return ret

== 相关题目 ==

=== [https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-window-substring/ LeetCode 76. Minimum Window Substring] ===

Python 解法:

<syntaxhighlight lang=python>
def minWindow(self, s: str, t: str) -> str:
ret = ''
# cnt: how many chars of t has been covered. just for speeding up the algo
cnt = 0
left = 0
min_size = float('inf')
chars = Counter()
target = Counter(t)

for right, sc in enumerate(s):
# for a new right pointer, update the state
chars[sc] += 1
if chars[sc] <= target[sc]:
cnt += 1
# move the left pointer right until the state becomes invalid
while cnt == len(t):
if (size := right - left + 1) < min_size:
min_size = size
ret = s[left:right + 1]
# for a new left pointer, update the state
sl = s[left]
left += 1
chars[sl] -= 1
if chars[sl] < target[sl]:
cnt -= 1
return ret

== 参考资料 ==

<references />

