副标题:How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You
2. Digging Deeper
The best way to avoid bad things would seem to be avoiding everything. And, of course, the more the world is avoided, the newer everything will seem. Imagine how frightening the world could have seemed to you.
P81 The Problem of Being In Too Much
If it (your body) wants to try new things but is afraid, you need to help it, not reinforce the fear. Otherwise, you are telling it that it really is all wrong about its desires, that it is not fit to survive out there.
As you reparent your body, the first thing to realize is that the more it avoids stimulation, the more arousing the remaining stimulation becomes. ... The moral is that, at least to some extent, the stresses will always be there, for we bring our sensitivity with us. What we need is a new way of living with the stressors.
逃避并不会减少 stress,而去做一件新事物也不会有更多的 stress,只是这种 stress 换了一种形式。可能因为这种 stress 是未知的,所以比较可怕。
Second, it is often the case that the more your body acts, the less difficult and arousing it becomes. This is called habituation. If it is a skill, you also become better at it.
The way to come to tolerate and then enjoy being involved in the world is by being in the world.
一件事只要多做,就能让身体适应这件事会产生的 stress,从而每次能做得更加得心应手。
Handle Overarousal in Social Situations
5. Social Relationships
P116 Five Ways to Handle Overarousal in Social Situations
Remember that overarousal is not necessarily fear
Never underestimate the power of simply acknowledging to yourself that you are overaroused, possibly by something having nothing to do with the people you are with. If you are judged for that, it is not the real you but the one temporarily flustered by overarousal.
有的时候需要意识到并承认自己是 overaroused 了,并不要直接归因于社交这件事。Overaroused 的自己并不是真实的自己,这时的自己可能展现不出正常时的能力。
Find other HSPs to talk to, one on one
In the average social situation there ought to be about 20 percent who are HSPs and another 30 percent who feel moderately sensitive. ... In a roomful of people, the odds are that there is at least one person with your trait or who is feeling social discomfort. Catch their eyes after you stumble, literally or metaphorically, and notice the look of deep sympathy. You have an instant friend.
Use your arousal-reducing skills
Meanwhile, use all the points suggested in chapter 3 to reduce your arousal. Take breaks, Go for a walk. Breathe deeply. Move in some way. Consider your options. Maybe it's time to go. Maybe there's a better place to position yourself, by an open window, an aisle, or the door.
Develop a good "persona" and consciously use it
You know that much of social life is one "persona" meeting another, with neither person looking too far beneath the surface. By behaving in a predictable way, talking the way others do even when you don't feel like it, no one will hassle you or draw the wrong conclusion that you are arrogant, aloof, plotting, and so forth. ... That (drawing the wrong conclusion) may be the fault of the culture for not understanding HSPs, but until we change it, you may want to make your life a little easier by acting a little more like everyone else does.
Explain your trait to others
On the other hand, sometimes the best tactic is to explain your overarousal. ... In a group, explaining your trait may lead to a more intimate conversation about everyone's social discomfort, make it possible for you to go off alone without feeling guilty, or free you to take a break without being left out when you return.
5. Social Relationships
In all, 70 percent of HSPs tend to be socially "introverted." That does not mean you dislike people. It means you prefer to have a few close relationships rather than a large circle of friends and don't usually enjoy large parties or crowds.
Introverts are still social beings. In fact, their well-being is more affected by their social relationships than is the well-being of extroverts. Introverts just to for quality, not quantity.
内向者会更喜欢 close relationship,而不是很多浅交的朋友。
P119 Appreciating the Introverted Style
(Avril Thorne's Experiment)
The highly introverted women were serious and focused. They talked more about problems and were more cautious. They tended to listen, to interview, to give advice; they seemed to be concentrating on the other in a deep way.
In contrast, the highly extroverted women did more "pleasure" talk, sought ore agreement, looked for similarities in background and experience, and paid more compliments. They were upbeat and expansive and liked being paired with either type, as if their main pleasure were in the talking.
The picture we gain from Throne is that each type contributes something to this world that is equally important.
Ignore the barbs about "lightening up." Enjoy the levity of others and allow yourself your own specialty. If you are not good at chitchat, be proud of your silence. Equally important, when your mood changes and your extroverted self appears, let it be as clumsy or silly as it needs to be. We are all awkward doing our nonspecialty. You possess one piece of the "good." It would only be arrogance to think any of us should have it all.
Introverts prefer close relationships for many reasons. Intimates can understand and support each other best. ... And, given your intuition, you probably like to talk about complicated things like philosophy, feelings, and struggles. That is hard to do with a stranger or at a party. Finally, introverts possess traits that can make them good at close relationships; with intimates they can experience social success.
P39 Instructions to the reader
2. This book involves seeing yourself as having a trait common to many. That is, it labels you. The advantages are that you can feel normal and benefit from the experience and research of others. But any label misses your uniqueness. HSPs are each utterly different, even with their common trait.
1. The Facts About Being Highly Sensitive
P52 Learning About Our Culture -- What You Don't Realize WILL Hurt You
You and I are learning to see our trait as a neutral thing -- useful in some situations, not in others -- but our culture definitely does not see it, or any trait, as neutral. ... Although a culture's newborns will show a broad range of inherited temperaments, only a narrow band of these, a certain type, will be the ideal.
P54 Psychology's Bias
But psychology is not perfect. It can only reflect the biases of the culture from which it comes. ... Just be careful about accepting labels for yourself. As we move on, you'll understand why each of these mislabels you. In general, they miss the essence of the trait and give it a negative tone. For example, research has found that most people, quite wrongly, associate introversion with poor mental health.
It helps to know that in cultures in which the trait is more valued, the research takes on a different tone. For example, Japanese psychologists seem to expect their sensitive subjects to perform better, and they do.
You were born to be among the advisors and thinkers, the spiritual and moral leaders of your society. There is every reason for pride.
4. Reframing Your Childhood and Adolescence
Finally, being sensitive to the discomfort, disapproval, or anger of others probably made you quick to follow every rule as perfectly as possible, afraid to make a mistake.
这说的就是我。比如 UCSD CanyonView 游泳池要求 no lane sharing,我就会非常严格地遵守。之前因为来游的人太多有人 share 泳道,我看到还有点震惊。还有 zc 考冲浪的游泳考试的时候我需要教他踩水,当时对于在同一个泳道里教他我都有点不自在,感觉自己打破了什么规定。
Being so good all the time, however, meant ignoring many of your normal human feelings -- irritation, frustration, selfishness, rage. Since you were so eager to please, others could ignore your needs when, in fact, yours were often greater than theirs. This would only fuel your anger. But such feelings may have been so frightening that you buried them. The fear of their breaking out would become yet another source of "unreasonable" fears and nightmares.
P100 The Problem of Sensitive Little Boys
It is fascinating how extensively gender is confused with sensitivity. Men should not be sensitive, women should be.
P104 It's Never Too Late to Overcome Discouragement
While it is wise to accept what we cannot change about ourselves, it is also good to remember that we are never too old to replace discouragement with bits and pieces of confidence and hope.
P106 Reparenting Your "Gifted" Self
7. Do not hide your abilities.
5. Social Relationships
(Experiment: "shy" and "nonshy" women talking to men, with loud noise in the background or not. The shy women with loud noise talked more compared with shy women without loud noise, and they didn't feel shy.)
Remember this experiment the next time you feel overaroused in a social situation. Your heart may be pounding for any number of reasons having nothing to do with the people you are with. There may be too much noise, or you may be worrying about something else you are only half aware of that has nothing to do with the person you are with. So go ahead, ignore the other causes (if you can), and have a good time.
有的时候我们并不是因为社交而感到 overaroused,可能是在场的其它因素。可以把自己引导到别的原因上,让自己更享受社交。
关于 minority
根据这本书,HSP 属于一种 minority,人类中有 15% 到 20% 是 HSP。一个人作为 minority 时能感受到和大多数人的不同。如果这个人又不希望和大多数人不同,这可能就会造成心理上的负担。
写于 2022-05-13。